FLYTOGETHER is a global movement created by the Spanish animal activist Sonia Aguado and supported by several professionals from different fields who help her work on raising awareness about the risks, proposing alternatives to commercial airlines to stop flying in the hold and fly together in the cabin respecting the animal safety and wellbeing but most importantly, working on triggering the international legal frame that willprotect them as sentient beings.

FLYTOGETHER is the first and only international movement that advocates changing the cruel and unfair way in which companion animals are treated during air transport, nationally and internationally, as well as how they are treated at airports.

FLYTOGETHER´s objective is to fight against animal abuse in air transport because flying with companion animals on commercial airlines is dangerous and discriminatory.

  1. Spread the word of this movement by gaining as much international support as possible through social media to gain credibility when engaging airlines and governments. The only way to raise awareness and to understand the current situation we are facing is by telling the stories of the victims. As such a lot of our time will be dedicated to showing real cases so that people can understand the real risks.

  2. Incentivize and collaborate with private and national airlines willing to make the change thanks to proposals that offer innovative alternatives for airports and airlines. Create groups and forums of discussion – telegram group – and initiate conversations with relevant stakeholders within the sector who advocate for animal rights and want to form part of this change by helping us perfect our proposals.

  3. Initiate an International Law Project, in collaboration with ICAO member governments, in order to change the international regulations of transport established in the Chicago Convention (1947) and Montreal Convention (1999) in order to recognize companion animals as sentient beings and introduce liability in case of accident (currently there is no responsibility whatsoever).